ስለ ተከታታዩ፡ በተላላፊ በሽታዎች ወቅት የልጆች ጥበቃ እና የጤና ውህደት

ለ READY ኢሜይል ዝርዝር ይመዝገቡ ስለ ስልጠና እድሎች፣ ዌብናሮች እና ሌሎች ዝመናዎች የወደፊት ማስታወቂያዎችን ለመቀበል

Children are often the most vulnerable group in major infectious disease outbreaks, either directly from the disease itself or the indirect effects such as disruption to essential services and movement restrictions. With recent Ebola outbreaks in Uganda and DRC and an unprecedented number of cholera outbreaks around the world, there is a growing and urgent need for timely and effective child protection and health collaboration and integration to ensure the needs of children and their families are prioritized during outbreak response.

To strengthen integration and collaboration between child protection and health actors, READY facilitated this three-part inter-agency webinar series. Each webinar took place during the same one-hour period (15:30-16:30 EAT / 7:30-8:30 AM EST/ 12:30-13:30 GMT). The topics and dates of the webinars were:

These webinars are intended for health and child protection actors working within NGOs in East, Central, and Southern Africa, but may also interest actors working in other countries, regions, and agencies. The webinars were presented in English with live interpretation into French and Arabic.

This series was hosted by the READY initiative, led by Save the Children, and funded by the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance.

ለ READY ኢሜይል ዝርዝር ይመዝገቡ ስለ ስልጠና እድሎች፣ ዌብናሮች እና ሌሎች ዝመናዎች የወደፊት ማስታወቂያዎችን ለመቀበል

United States Agency for International Development Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UK Med, EcoHealth Alliance, Mercy Malaysia

ይህ ድረ-ገጽ በአሜሪካ ህዝብ ድጋፍ በ የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ዓለም አቀፍ ልማት ኤጀንሲ (ዩኤስኤአይዲ) በ READY ተነሳሽነት። READY (አህጽሮተ ቃል አይደለም) በዩኤስኤአይዲ የተደገፈ ነው።  ቢሮ ለዲሞክራሲ፣ ግጭት እና ሰብአዊ እርዳታየአሜሪካ የውጭ አደጋ እርዳታ ቢሮ (OFDA)  እና የሚመራው ልጆችን አድን።  ከ ጋር በመተባበር  ጆንስ ሆፕኪንስ የሰብአዊ ጤንነት ማዕከል፣ የ  ጆንስ ሆፕኪንስ የመገናኛ ፕሮግራሞች ማዕከል ዩኬ-ሜድኢኮ ሄልዝ አሊያንስ, እና ምህረት ማሌዥያ. የዚህ ድረ-ገጽ ይዘት የሴቭ ዘ ችልድረን ብቸኛ ኃላፊነት ነው። በዚህ ድረ-ገጽ ላይ የቀረበው መረጃ የዩኤስኤአይዲን፣ የማንኛውንም ወይም ሁሉንም የጋራ አጋር ድርጅቶችን ወይም የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ መንግስትን አመለካከት የሚያንፀባርቅ አይደለም፣ እና ኦፊሴላዊ የአሜሪካ መንግስት መረጃ አይደለም።