Clinical Management of Diphtheria
Author: World Health Organization
This clinical practice…
ለአላማ ተስማሚ? የትልቅ ደረጃ ወረርሽኝ ምላሽ ዓለም አቀፍ ማስተባበሪያ ዘዴዎች
በሰብአዊነት ቅንጅቶች ውስጥ
Author: READY
This report examines global structures and processes…
በሰብአዊነት ቅንጅቶች ውስጥ
አጭር፡ ለአላማ ተስማሚ? በሰብአዊ ቅንጅቶች ውስጥ ትልቅ ደረጃ ያለው ወረርሽኝ ምላሽ ዓለም አቀፍ ማስተባበሪያ ዘዴዎች
Author: READY
This brief highlights the key findings and methodology…
Global Launch Webinar: Fit for purpose? Global Coordination Mechanisms of Large-Scale Epidemic Responses in Humanitarian Settings
23 JANUARY 2024 | 09:00-10:00 EST / 13:00-14:00 UTC / 15:00-16:00…
Measuring supply-side service disruption: a systematic review of the methods for measuring disruption in the context of maternal and newborn health services in low and middle-income settings
Author: READY
In 2022-2023, READY carried out a systematic…
Global Launch Webinar of New Simulation—Outbreak READY2 !: Thisland in Crisis
READY held the global launch webinar of Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland…
Launch Event: Locally Led Action in Outbreak Response
29 NOVEMBER 2023 | 08:00-09:00 EST / 13:00-14:00 BST / 15:00-16:00…
የአለምአቀፍ ካርታ የአእምሮ ጤና እና የስነ-አእምሮ ማህበራዊ ድጋፍ መርጃዎች ተላላፊ በሽታዎችን ለመከላከል ዝግጁነት እና ምላሽ በሰብአዊ ቅንብሮች ውስጥ
Author: READY
The COVID-19 pandemic heightened the importance…
በወረርሽኝ ጊዜ የሕፃናት ጥበቃ፡ በተላላፊ በሽታዎች ድንገተኛ ተሳትፎ ቅድሚያ መስጠት
(ሚኒ-መመሪያ 6)
ደራሲ፡ የሕጻናት ጥበቃ በሰብአዊ ተግባር፣…
(ሚኒ-መመሪያ 6)
በወረርሽኝ ጊዜ የሕፃናት ጥበቃ፡ በተላላፊ በሽታ ወረርሽኝ ውስጥ ባሉ ልጆች ላይ የሚደርሰውን ጉዳት መከላከል (አነስተኛ መመሪያ 5)
ይህ ሚኒ-መመሪያ በ… ውስጥ ለሚሰሩ የሰብአዊነት ሰራተኞች ያለመ ነው።