Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action (2nd ed., 2019)
The 2012 Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian…
(WHO's) Early Warning, Alert, and Response System
ባለ ብዙ ዘርፍ፣ አንድ የጤና አቀራረብ መውሰድ፡ በአገሮች ውስጥ ያሉ የዞኖቲክ በሽታዎችን ለማከም የሶስትዮሽ መመሪያ
This tripartite publication from WHO, FAO, and OIE provides…
የIHR ክትትል እና ግምገማ ማዕቀፍ የጋራ የውጭ ግምገማ መሳሪያ
This 2016 publication was a primary output of a 2015 IHR technical…