Tips for Engaging Communities during COVID-19 in Low-Resource Settings, Remotely and In-Person

Author: GOARN Risk Communication and Community Engagement Coordination Working Group
This brief provides key considerations for engaging communities on COVID-19 and tips for how to engage where there are movement restrictions and physical distancing measures in place, particularly in low-resource settings. It is designed for non-governmental organizations (NGOs), UN agencies, government agencies, and other humanitarian and implementing actors working on health promotion, risk communication, and community engagement for COVID-19. This document is an initiative of the GOARN Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Coordination Working Group co-led by UNICEF, the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), and the World Health Organization (WHO). It was developed jointly by the READY initiative [funded by USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA)], Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP), Save the Children, UNICEF, UNICEF’s Social Science Analysis Cell (CASS), IFRC, WHO, CORE Group, Social Science in Humanitarian Action (SSHAP), Anthrologica, United National High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), CARE International, Internews, DAI, Community Health Impact Coalition, BBC Media Action, Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC), World Food Programme, and Catholic Relief Services

View the guidance in እንግሊዝኛ እዚህ.
United States Agency for International Development Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UK Med, EcoHealth Alliance, Mercy Malaysia

ይህ ድረ-ገጽ በአሜሪካ ህዝብ ድጋፍ በ የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ዓለም አቀፍ ልማት ኤጀንሲ (ዩኤስኤአይዲ) በ READY ተነሳሽነት። READY (አህጽሮተ ቃል አይደለም) በዩኤስኤአይዲ የተደገፈ ነው።  ቢሮ ለዲሞክራሲ፣ ግጭት እና ሰብአዊ እርዳታየአሜሪካ የውጭ አደጋ እርዳታ ቢሮ (OFDA)  እና የሚመራው ልጆችን አድን።  ከ ጋር በመተባበር  ጆንስ ሆፕኪንስ የሰብአዊ ጤንነት ማዕከል፣ የ  ጆንስ ሆፕኪንስ የመገናኛ ፕሮግራሞች ማዕከል ዩኬ-ሜድኢኮ ሄልዝ አሊያንስ, እና ምህረት ማሌዥያ. የዚህ ድረ-ገጽ ይዘት የሴቭ ዘ ችልድረን ብቸኛ ኃላፊነት ነው። በዚህ ድረ-ገጽ ላይ የቀረበው መረጃ የዩኤስኤአይዲን፣ የማንኛውንም ወይም ሁሉንም የጋራ አጋር ድርጅቶችን ወይም የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ መንግስትን አመለካከት የሚያንፀባርቅ አይደለም፣ እና ኦፊሴላዊ የአሜሪካ መንግስት መረጃ አይደለም።

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ምላሽ ይስጡ

ኢ-ፖስታ አድራሻወ ይፋ አይደረግም። መሞላት ያለባቸው መስኮች * ምልክት አላቸው