مداخلة بواسطة مستعد

استراتيجية التواصل بشأن المخاطر العالمية المتعلقة بكوفيد-19 والمشاركة المجتمعية

December 2020 – May 2021 | Global strategy reflecting the latest changes in context and knowledge From the RCCE Collective Service: “The first COVID-19 global risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) strategy was published in March 2020. Since then, our knowledge about the disease has greatly increased, as has our understanding of how people are […]

كيف أدى فيروس كورونا (COVID-19) والالتزامات بإنهاء استعمار المساعدات إلى تسريع تحولات السلطة داخل القطاع الإنساني (أو لا)؟

Speakers: Laura Cardinal, READY; Dr. Jemilah binti Mahmood, Mercy Malaysia / IFRC; Corinne Delphine N’Daw, Oxfam; Su’ad Jarbawi, IRC; Sonia Walia, USAID/Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance Over the past year, COVID-19, Black Lives Matter, and social justice movements around the globe have forced the humanitarian sector to reckon with how it delivers aid. Progress toward the […]

إنترنيوز: نشرة الشائعات العالمية

December 2020 | Internews: Global Rumour Bulletin From Internews: “This report analyses COVID-19-related rumours circulating in 7 countries impacted by humanitarian crisis and then provides recommended actions for humanitarian, health and media organizations to improve risk communication efforts and disseminate more accurate and actionable information that responds to community questions and concerns. Download | Internews: […]

هل سيصل لقاح كوفيد-19 إلى السكان النازحين قسراً؟

Speakers: Prof. Heidi Larson, LSHTM; Colette Selman, Gavi; Dr. Morseda Chowdhury, BRAC; Dr. Ayoade Olatunbosun-Alakija, Former Chief Humanitarian Coordinator, Nigeria; Dr. Joanne Liu, University of Montreal and former International President of MSF Efforts are underway to accelerate the development and distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine, with the emphasis so far being on highlighting equity in […]

صحة الأم والوليد والصحة الإنجابية في حالات الطوارئ (MNRHiE) وكوفيد-19: النجاحات والتحديات والخطوات التالية

Wednesday, December 2, 2020 | 0800-0900 Washington/1300-1400 London | Panelists: Alice Janvrin, Independent Consultant; Ashley Wolfington, Global Health Consultant; Shehu Nanfwang Dasigit, IRC Sierra Leone; Donatella Massai, Lead Technical Advisor, READY Subscribe to READY updates to receive future webinar announcements | View/download the expert consultation report discussed in this webinar The health, economic, and social […]

ما هي الخدمات الصحية في الأوضاع الإنسانية التي لا ينبغي لنا تقديمها أثناء تفشي فيروس كورونا (COVID-19)؟

Speakers: Prof. Karl Blanchet, Geneva Centre of Humanitarian Studies; Dr. Esperanza Martinez, ICRC; Dr. Teri Reynolds, WHO; Dr. Apostolos Veizis, MSF-Greece; Prof. Kjell Johansson, Univ. of Bergen COVID-19 creates unprecedented disruptions in the delivery of routine healthcare. It is crucial to ensure continued access to essential non-COVID-19 healthcare. But which health interventions should be considered […]

قريبًا: أربع ندوات عبر الإنترنت جديدة

The following topics (subject to change) are planned for the COVID-19 & Humanitarian Settings: Exploring the Controversial Issues series: Wed, October 14 | 0800-0900 EST —“Why is COVID-19 NOT transmitting in humanitarian settings as expected…or is it?” Wed, November 11 |  0800-0900 EST—“Which health services in humanitarian settings should we NOT provide during COVID-19?” Wed, […]

شبكة التواصل الخاصة بكوفيد-19

The COVID-19 Communication Network (CCN) curates high-quality communication materials, tools, and resources from global partners to address the COVID-19/Coronavirus pandemic. A project of READY consortium member the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, the CCN is intended primarily for social and behavior change (SBC) and risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) professionals, but is available […]