مداخلة بواسطة مستعد

Managing epidemics: Key facts about major deadly diseases (WHO)

This manual (which pre-dates the emergence of COVID-19) “provides concise knowledge on 15 infectious diseases that have the potential to become international threats, and tips on how to respond to each of them.” LINK: Managing epidemics: Key facts about major deadly diseases (WHO)

ورشة عمل شهر مارس في نيروبي ستكون افتراضية

Due to rapidly evolving containment efforts and travel restrictions in response to COVID-19, READY is reconfiguring its East Africa Outbreak Preparedness Planning (OPP) workshop. The workshop will still take place from March 9–11, 2020, but it will be facilitated entirely online. Knowing that COVID-19 readiness is top-of-mind for many of us, we are also amending […]

Psychological Coping During Disease Outbreak

A community-friendly resource developed by the Hong Kong Red Cross, this potential patient handout/booklet/poster provides “dos and don’ts” that support mental and emotional wellbeing during an outbreak. Link: Psychological Coping During Disease Outbreak


الصحة العقلية والدعم النفسي والاجتماعي

Pandemic influenza preparedness and mitigation in refugee and displaced populations

These practical, field-based 2008 guidelines from WHO are for humanitarian agencies and ministry of health staff working with refugee and displaced populations at local and national levels. The guidelines are intended “not only for camp settings but also for open settings with displaced populations living dispersed among local communities.” Link: Pandemic influenza preparedness and mitigation […]

مجموعة أدوات مكافحة الكوليرا (اليونيسيف)

تتبنى مجموعة الأدوات لعام 2013 نهجًا متعدد القطاعات للجهود المتكاملة الرامية إلى الحد من المخاطر والاستعداد وبناء القدرات والاستجابة لتفشي الكوليرا. وقد قامت اليونيسف بتوحيد الموارد من مصادر متعددة لجعلها في متناول جمهور عالمي واسع النطاق. وتشمل مجموعة الأدوات المياه والصرف الصحي والنظافة الصحية، والتغذية، والتعليم، والحماية، والخدمات اللازمة لعمليات الطوارئ وإدارة الإمدادات. (يرجى ملاحظة أن […]