مداخلة بواسطة مستعد

التكيف النفسي أثناء تفشي المرض

A community-friendly resource developed by the Hong Kong Red Cross, this potential patient handout/booklet/poster provides “dos and don’ts” that support mental and emotional wellbeing during an outbreak. Link: Psychological Coping During Disease Outbreak

الصحة العقلية والدعم النفسي والاجتماعي للموظفين والمتطوعين والمجتمعات في ظل تفشي فيروس كورونا الجديد

This briefing note from IFRC provides background knowledge on the MHPSS aspects related to COVID-19 and suggests MHPSS activities that can be implemented. These messages can be helpful for those in contact with patients or relatives and those who feel the strain of working and living during the pandemic. The briefing is for those working […]


الصحة العقلية والدعم النفسي والاجتماعي


Indonesia | Feb. 26-27, 2020 | View Indonesia workshop materials on READY’s discussion forum


Vietnam | Feb. 20–21, 2020 | View Vietnam workshop materials on READY’s discussion forum

التأهب لجائحة الأنفلونزا والتخفيف من آثارها بين اللاجئين والنازحين

These practical, field-based 2008 guidelines from WHO are for humanitarian agencies and ministry of health staff working with refugee and displaced populations at local and national levels. The guidelines are intended “not only for camp settings but also for open settings with displaced populations living dispersed among local communities.” Link: Pandemic influenza preparedness and mitigation […]

مجموعة أدوات الكوليرا (اليونيسف)

This 2013 Toolkit takes a multi-sector approach to integrated effort towards risk reduction, preparedness, capacity building, and response to cholera outbreaks. UNICEF has consolidated resources from multiple sources to make them easily accessible to a broad global audience. The Toolkit includes WASH, nutrition, education, protection, and services for emergency operations and supply management. (Please be […]

المبادئ التوجيهية لتفشي الكوليرا: التأهب والوقاية والسيطرة (أوكسفام)

This 2012 publication from Oxfam brings together lessons learned from cholera prevention and control interventions and other related guidance. “The aim is to provide a quick, step-by-step guide to inform cholera outbreak interventions and ensure public health programmes that are rapid, community-based, well-tailored, and gender and diversity aware. The guidelines given here are not comprehensive […]

Household Food Security Preparedness

Tool #10 in the in the “Leadership During a Pandemic: What Your Municipality Can Do” Toolkit developed by USAID and PAHO for municipal leadership, Household Food Security Preparedness raises awareness about the need to prepare at the household level for shortages of food, water, and essential services and interruptions to income and livelihood that may […]

Food Security in a Pandemic

Tool #7 in the “Leadership During a Pandemic: What Your Municipality Can Do” Toolkit developed by USAID and PAHO for municipal leadership, this tool provides an introduction to ways in which a pandemic can threaten municipal food security, and describes what local leaders can do during a pandemic to prevent and mitigate food shortages, hunger, […]