Announcements and resource releases from the READY initiative. To receive READY updates by email, click here to subscribe.

Influenza and Pandemic Threats Library

Though developed for influenza, this online library has broad…
Save the Children health worker Ahishakiye delivers COVID-19 prevention messages to families waiting outside a clinic. Image credit: Thacien Biziyaremye / Save the Children

RCCE: Perceptions, Misinformation, and Concerns in African Countries in the Time of COVID-19

Speakers: Kathryn Bertram, READY / Johns Hopkins Center for Communication…
Lubabatu* , 13, walks home after collecting water from a Save the Children water point in the informal displacement camp at Musari, outside Maiduguri. Image credit: Tommy Trenchard / Save the Children
Link to West and Central Africa workshop materials

West and Central Africa

Virtual | April 20–22, 2020 | View workshop materials on READY's…
A healthcare worker at a Save the Children-supported health facility during the Ebola outbreak (DRC). Image credit: Hugh Kinsella Cunningham / Save the Children
Link to DRC workshop materials

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Virtual | April 6–8, 2020 | View DRC workshop materials on…
Noor* with her son Hssain*, two and a half years-old (Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh). Image credit: GMB Akash / Panos Pictures / Save the Children

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Resources (UNICEF and CDC)

Guidance for expectant and new parents in the context of COVID-19…