Clinical Management of Diphtheria
Author: World Health Organization
This clinical practice…
Severe Acute Respiratory Infections Treatment Centre
Author: World Health Organzation
This is the first edition…
Practical Guidance for Risk Communication and Community Engagement for Refugees, IDPs, Migrants and Host Communities Particularly Vulnerable to COVID-19 Pandemic
Authors: UNICEF, International Organization of Migration, Johns…
Scoping review of interventions to maintain essential services for maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health and older people during disruptive events
Author: World Health Organization
To support countries in…
First steps for managing an outbreak of acute diarrhoea
Author: World Health Organization
The leaflet aims to guide…
Making Connections: Stories of Integration in Outbreak Response
Making Connections is a series of stories highlighting the real-world…
Protection in Outbreaks Resource Package
The Protection in Outbreaks (PiO) resource package is part of…
Making Connections: Stories of Integration in Outbreak Response
Making Connections is a series of stories highlighting the real-world…
Maternal, Newborn, and Reproductive Health in Emergencies (MNRHiE) and COVID-19: Adaptations, Successes, Challenge and Next Steps. An Expert Consultation
November 2020 | Adaptations, Successes, Challenges, and Next…
Influenza and Pandemic Threats Library
Though developed for influenza, this online library has broad…