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Ética: preguntas clave que se deben plantear al enfrentar dilemas durante la respuesta a la COVID-19 en entornos humanitarios

April 13, 2022 | 9:00am EST / 15:00 CET The World Health Organization’s Global Health Cluster COVID-19 Task Team with support from the READY initiative presented this webinar on ethical dilemmas during the COVID-19 pandemic. The session, moderated by the Global Health Cluster’s Donatella Massai, refers to a new Global Health Cluster tool, “Ethics: Key […]

Desmitificando la integración en la respuesta a los brotes: salud y protección infantil: éxitos, desafíos y medidas en Cox's Bazar y la República Democrática del Congo

March 29, 2022 | 8:00am EST / 13:00 BST (GMT/UTC +1) Featuring global and country-level Health and Child Protection experts, this webinar focused on the integration and collaboration between Health and Child Protection actors during infectious disease outbreaks in humanitarian settings. Panelists discussed how the Health and Child Protection sectors in Cox’s Bazar and DRC […]

RCCE Toolkit

First published in May 2020, READY’s COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement Toolkit (“RCCE Toolkit”) offers non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other humanitarian response actors a suite of guidance and tools they can use to rapidly plan and integrate Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) into their COVID-19 response.

Vacunas COVID-19 para poblaciones marginadas: comunicación de riesgos y participación comunitaria

Featuring stakeholders from select countries, this webinar highlights local approaches to COVID-19 vaccine access and acceptance among hard-to-reach indigenous populations and refugees. It was organized by UNHCR, IFRC, UNICEF, IOM, and the READY Initiative as part of an RCCE Collective Service webinar series. The webinar is designed around the launch of the Risk Communication and […]

Fortalecimiento de los servicios de salud pública de primera línea durante la COVID-19: introducción de herramientas innovadoras de ALNP para los trabajadores de la salud y la nutrición

May 25, 2021 | Introducing innovative IYCF tools for health and nutrition workers The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented global emergency affecting almost every country in the world with millions of cases and deaths. Research findings show that there have been disruptions and reductions in key maternal and child health services in many countries due […]

Integración de sectores técnicos en una respuesta al COVID-19: marco y panel de discusión de expertos

May 6, 2021 | Speakers: Maria Tsolka, Kathryn Bertram, Lori Murray This webinar is part of READY’s roll-out of the new Integrated Framework for Isolation and Quarantine as Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions Against COVID-19. The webinar explained how the tool can be used and featured experts discussing some of the challenges and solutions to integrated programming. READY’s Sexual […]

Bienestar en caso de brotes de enfermedades infecciosas (Save the Children UK)

This collection of short videos (only 3–4 minutes each) is intended to support staff, managers, and people in areas with infectious disease outbreaks. Video topics include “Wellbeing for Staff”, “Wellbeing for Managers,” “Wellbeing, Burnout, and Resilience,” and “Psychosocial Support.”    

Introducing Guidance for Alternative Care Provision during COVID-19

Jan. 27, Jan. 28, and Feb. 2, 2021: READY and Child Protection Advisors Lauren Murray and Rebecca Smith hosted two child protection webinars, introducing health practitioners and policy makers to the newly developed Guidance for Alternative Care Provision during COVID-19, coordinated by the Better Care Network, Save the Children, The Alliance for Child Protection in […]