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Protección infantil en caso de brotes: miniguías

In 2021, READY supported the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action with the creation of four mini-guides for child protection during outbreaks. These guides are now available in four languages.

Mini Guides: English

Miniguías: Español

Mini-guides: Français

الوظائف : دليل صغير

Ética: preguntas clave que se deben plantear al enfrentar dilemas durante la respuesta a la COVID-19 en entornos humanitarios

April 13, 2022 | 9:00am EST / 15:00 CET

The World Health Organization’s Global Health Cluster COVID-19 Task Team with support from the READY initiative presented this webinar on ethical dilemmas during the COVID-19 pandemic. The session, moderated by the Global Health Cluster’s Donatella Massai, refers to a new Global Health Cluster tool, “Ethics: Key questions to ask when facing dilemmas during the COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings.”

Live interpretation was provided in French, Spanish, and Arabic.

Moderator: Donatella Massai, Global Health Cluster


  • Dr. Lisa Schwart, Humanitarian Health Ethics
  • Aiysha Malik, WHO Mental Health at Workplace
  • Dr. Mukesh Prajapti, Health Cluster Coordinator, South Sudan

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Desmitificando la integración en la respuesta a los brotes: salud y protección infantil: éxitos, desafíos y medidas en Cox's Bazar y la República Democrática del Congo

March 29, 2022 | 8:00am EST / 13:00 BST (GMT/UTC +1)

Featuring global and country-level Health and Child Protection experts, this webinar focused on the integration and collaboration between Health and Child Protection actors during infectious disease outbreaks in humanitarian settings. Panelists discussed how the Health and Child Protection sectors in Cox’s Bazar and DRC celebrated successes, identified and addressed bottlenecks, and developed practical tools following workshops on integration in outbreak response.

Featured expert panelists

  • Taslima Begum, Case Management Specialist, Save the Children (Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh)
  • Dr. Patrick Libonga Mananga, Health Cluster Co-coordinator, Save the Children (Goma, DRC)
  • Dr. Ayesha Kadir, Global Health Advisor, Save the Children
  • Hannah Thompson, Child Protection Consultant
  • Nidhi Kapur, Child Protection Consultant

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