A woman doctor, masked, listening to a child's chest through a stethoscope. Image credit: Save the Children
Jiya, 9, with Bijay, 32, a Save the Children representative, talking about catch-up classes Image credit: Save the Children Learning Capsule is a program designed for grade two and three students to recover the learning they've lost due to COVID-19 school closures. Jiya, 9, is one of the children that has benefitted from Learning Capsule and can now write and dreams of becoming a nurse in the future.

Guía de recursos sobre el cólera

Author: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent…

Respuesta a los brotes de cólera: intervenciones específicas por zona y equipos de respuesta comunitaria a brotes (2020)

Autor: Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (UNICEF) Esta operación…

Introducción a la participación comunitaria en WASH

Autor: Oxfam Esta guía tiene como objetivo proporcionar al personal de campo…