Module 3: Programación de salud comunitaria
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Sesiones fundacionales
These sessions provide an introduction to Community Health Programming concepts and how to adapt them to the exigencies of COVID-19, including prioritizing essential health services, the role of Community Health Workers, and caring for particularly vulnerable and high-risk groups. (5 sesiones)
Sesión 1: Introducción a la programación de salud comunitaria
What is community health programming? In this session, Donatella Massai, Senior Technical Lead for READY, defines key elements of CHP and the necessary adaptations for mitigating the transmission of COVID-19 at the community level. Donatella also examines applications of CHP in varied contexts, and the related challenges.
Sesión 2: Priorización de los servicios esenciales de salud comunitaria
Now more than ever, organizations are being forced to prioritize the community services they provide. In this session, Research Associate Daniella Trowbridge from the Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health reviews how to prioritize essential services during COVID-19, and the related actions for differing humanitarian contexts. Daniella will also introduce some of the key adaptations to consider when modifying CHP activities for COVID-19.
Sesión 3: El papel del trabajador de salud comunitario en la COVID-19
As the role of the Community Health Worker continues to evolve over the course of the pandemic, particularly where engagement with communities must be minimized, where can they be the most effective? This session examines Community Health Worker activities during COVID-19, and the adaptations necessary to ensure their role is safe and effective at minimizing COVID-19 transmission.
Sesión 4: Atención a personas vulnerables y de alto riesgo
Who is at risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes in humanitarian settings? This session reviews who is the most vulnerable, and addresses the challenges in caring for these groups. The session also touches on accompanying activities, such as preparing a household and training caregivers when there is a mild or suspected case of COVID-19.
Sesión 5: Consideraciones transversales
Esta sesión fundacional ofrece una descripción general de varios sectores transversales, como el género, la salud mental y otros; los impactos de la COVID-19 en estos sectores; y las acciones específicas para integrar estos sectores en las actividades a nivel comunitario. Esta sesión también analiza los vínculos entre los tres módulos de esta serie de capacitación y vuelve a enfatizar la centralidad de la comunidad en la respuesta más amplia a la COVID-19.
Entrevistas con expertos
Estos videos destacan la aplicación programática en la vida real de los conceptos de IPC y WASH. Los expertos técnicos y el personal de ejecución de programas brindan ejemplos concretos y basados en la experiencia de la implementación de IPC y WASH. (3 interviews)
Entrevista 1: Programación de salud comunitaria en los campos de refugiados rohingya
In this interview, we hear from Sarah Collis, Health Programme Manager for UK-Med in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Sarah shares her experience in the Rohingya camps, where she led UK-Med in opening an isolation and treatment center and organizing community case management. Sarah also describes the implementation of this project, and specifically touches on some of the successes and challenges with keeping the community engaged.
Entrevista 2: Adaptaciones de COVID-19 a la programación de salud comunitaria para poblaciones migrantes
Kit Leung, from the International Organization for Migration, shares her experience in adapting existing migrant programming to the COVID-19 pandemic. Kit emphasizes how adapting specific community health programming was key to providing a continuum of care to beneficiaries, and describes IOM’s effort to integrate different sectors to meet the needs of the communities they serve.
Entrevista 3: Adaptaciones del programa de salud comunitaria: del ébola al COVID-19
Dr. Linda Mobula, Senior Health Specialist from the World Bank, shares her experience working in Community Health Programming during the Ebola epidemic in DRC, and how those lessons learned can translate to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Mobula concludes with three key takeaways for NGOs to consider for their community health programming.
Tools and Additional Learning Resources for Module 3: Community Health Programming
- LSHTM: Control de la COVID-19 en entornos de bajos ingresos y poblaciones desplazadas: ¿qué se puede hacer de manera realista? (marzo de 2020)
- OMS: Atención domiciliaria para pacientes con sospecha de infección por el nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19) que se presenten con síntomas leves, y gestión de sus contactos: orientación provisional (4 de febrero de 2020)
- OMS: Gestión clínica de la guía provisional de COVID-19 (27 de mayo de 2020)
- IASC: Nota informativa sobre los aspectos SMAPS de la COVID-19 (4 de marzo de 2020)
- OMS: Salud mental y consideraciones psicosociales durante el brote de COVID-19 (18 de marzo de 2020)
Este sitio web es posible gracias al generoso apoyo del pueblo estadounidense a través de la Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID). READY está dirigido por Save the Children en asociación con el Centro Johns Hopkins para la Salud Humanitaria, el Centro Johns Hopkins para Programas de Comunicación, UK-Med, EcoHealth Alliance y Mercy Malaysia. Los contenidos del sitio son responsabilidad de READY y no reflejan necesariamente las opiniones de USAID o del gobierno de los Estados Unidos.