Publications par Shane Harper

Save the Children : les leçons apprises en Asie-Pacifique

July 2020 | How the region’s societies—and their children—can emerge stronger from the crisis This paper from Save the Children “highlights six fundamental pathways that governments and international donor and development agencies cannot ignore if the pandemic recovery is to leave the Asia-Pacific better prepared and more resilient in the face of future shocks.” Download […]

Rapport d'évaluation des directives techniques disponibles

June 2020 | Drawing from ten years of epidemic and pandemic events, this report is READY’s assessment of key technical guidelines across sectors and cross-cutting themes. Download READY Available Technical Guidelines Assessment Report (26 pages | 850KB .pdf)

Examen de la formation sur la préparation aux épidémies et analyse des lacunes

June 2020 | This READY initiative report presents findings and recommendations from a training assessment and gap analysis undertaken by READY to support an integrated approach to its development of outbreak readiness trainings. Download READY Review of Outbreak Preparedness Training & Gaps Analysis (26 pages | 660KB .pdf)

Réseau mondial de santé : Centre de connaissances sur le coronavirus

The Global Health Network has a “pop-up” knowledge hub at  As the GHN notes, “During emerging outbreaks it is vital to learn as much as possible to generate evidence on best practice for prevention, diagnosis and treatment and to facilitate effective preparedness and response for future outbreaks.” This up-to-the-minute collection includes a resource dashboard, […]

EPI-WIN : Réseau d'information sur les épidémies (OMS)

EPI-WIN : « Un élément clé de la préparation aux épidémies et aux pandémies consiste à s’assurer que des systèmes sont en place pour que les informations en temps réel parviennent d’une source fiable aux personnes à risque. » Le système « EPI-WIN » (WHO Information Network for Epidemics) de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé met des informations fiables à la portée du monde entier, luttant contre les mythes et la désinformation qui peuvent contribuer à […]

Ressources sur la grossesse et l'allaitement (UNICEF et CDC)

Guidance for expectant and new parents in the context of COVID-19 is still developing (for example, it is not yet known whether COVID-19 can be transmitted through breast milk), but these are concise interim resources. UNICEF page, “Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): What parents should know“: This page, in the form of “Frequently Asked Questions,” condenses basics […]

Suivi des cas : Centre Johns Hopkins pour la science et l'ingénierie des systèmes

The Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) has created a public COVID-19 case tracker, drawing together data from the World Health Organization (WHO), (U.S.) Centers for Disease Control (CDC), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China (NHC), and NHC, and (Chinese: […]