Guidance for Alternative Care Provision During COVID-19

This interagency document (introduced in a READY featured webinar…

Établir des liens : histoires d'intégration dans la réponse aux épidémies

Making Connections is a series of stories highlighting the real-world…
Coronavirus (COVID-19) awareness raising campaign in Shabelle internally displaced camps, Mogadishu. Image credit: Mohamed Osman / Save the ChildrenCampagne de sensibilisation au coronavirus (COVID-19) dans les camps de déplacés internes de Shabelle, Mogadiscio. Crédit image : Mohamed Osman / Save the Children

Protection in Outbreaks Resource Package

The Protection in Outbreaks (PiO) resource package is part of…

Initial Food Security Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak: Survey Findings 

As part of an integrated effort to support humanitarian actors…
Nafisa* (25) was the first COVID-19 patient at Save the Children's treatment centre in Cox's Bazar. Image credit: Habiba Ummay / Save the Children