Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise Aperçu

Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise is an online digital simulation designed for humanitarian health practitioners. In Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise, you take the role of a Health Program Manager leading the health response for a medium-sized, international NGO named READY. The NGO operates in Thisland, a fictitious, low-income country that has experienced recent civil conflict, mass displacement, and an influenza epidemic. The simulation is divided into three chapters that follow an evolving outbreak from the first detection to its spread throughout the population. As Health Program Manager, you will identify, assess, and interpret sources of data to plan and implement an integrated outbreak response that prioritizes communication and community engagement, protection principles, and staff safety and well-being.


Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise builds upon but is independent from Outbreak READY!, READY’s first digital outbreak simulation, in which the learner takes the role of a Team Lead during the aforementioned influenza epidemic. While Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise takes place after the events of Outbreak READY!, it is not necessary to play Outbreak READY! before playing Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise.

The simulation is designed for national and international NGOs responding to humanitarian emergencies, particularly targeting NGO health staff, including health program managers and coordinators, RCCE focal points, and community health workers.

Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise provides learners an opportunity to test and apply the following skills:

  1. Épidémiologie appliquée pour la réponse clinique et de santé publique: Mettre en œuvre et coordonner une réponse sanitaire basée sur les données face à une épidémie de maladie infectieuse en évolution.
  2. Communication efficace et engagement communautaire: Developing and implementing a Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) strategy using a data-driven approach.
  3. Humanitarian Leadership: Minimiser les risques et les vulnérabilités des personnes, du personnel et des partenaires touchés par la crise tout au long d'une réponse à une épidémie.

  • In December 2023, Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise won the bronze EdTech Excellence Award (category: “Best E-learning, Blended, Flipped Classroom Solution or Remote Solution”) from the Brandon Hall Group, which recognizes innovative and cutting-edge trailblazers in education technology.
  • In June 2024, Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise was nominated for the Best in Learning award at the 2024 Games for Change Festival, which honors the games industry’s capacity for innovation, creativity, and social impact leadership in critical areas related to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.

Fiche descriptive

View/download fact sheet (592KB .pdf)

Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise Jeu en solo

Avant que tu commences Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise en tant que joueur solo, nous vous recommandons de télécharger le Solo-Play Simulation guide which provides learners with opportunities to reflect on key decisions made and lessons learned throughout the simulation. We also recommend reading the “Pre-Reading” background documents below. You may wish to print these items for quick reference, although they will also be available within the simulation.

Guide de simulation en solo

View/download Solo-Play Guide (357KB .pdf).

Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise Jeu facilité

Jouer Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise as a facilitated group experience, either in-person or virtually, use this facilitation manual and accompanying event facilitation slide deck.

If you are interested in facilitating Outbreak READY 2!: Thisland in Crisis for your organization, working group, or community of practice, and you have further questions after reviewing these materials, please reach out to READY at épidémiereadysim@savechildren.org pour le soutien.

Event Facilitation Slide Deck

Dépannage et assistance

Nous sommes désolés d'apprendre que vous rencontrez des difficultés pour ouvrir la simulation. S'il vous plaît vérifier les points suivants:

  • Avez-vous la bonne URL ? Assurez-vous que vous utilisez www.outbreakready-thislandincrisis.com.
  • For optimal use of the simulation, use Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Safari. Please ensure your browser version is up-to-date. Close any additional tabs or windows so that only the browser window with the simulation is open.
  • Si vous avez fait ce qui précède et que cela ne fonctionne toujours pas, essayez d'ouvrir la simulation dans une fenêtre « incognito » ou « privée ». Cela se fait différemment selon votre type d'ordinateur et votre navigateur, mais une simple recherche sur Internet (par exemple, « comment ouvrir une fenêtre de navigation privée dans Firefox ») peut rapidement fournir des instructions sur la façon de procéder.

La simulation est destinée à être jouée sur un ordinateur portable, un ordinateur de bureau ou une grande tablette. L'interface ne prend pas en charge la lecture sur des appareils mobiles plus petits.

Yes, an internet connection is required throughout the entire simulation and was developed for low-bandwidth settings.

Yes, progress is saved throughout play. If you lose internet connection or choose to exit the browser window during a session, your progress will be saved at the end of each week.  

Il existe une bande passante minimale recommandée pour une utilisation optimale du jeu. Veuillez trouver ci-dessous des détails supplémentaires concernant la bande passante optimale :

  • The simulation takes approximately 1 minute to load on 10mbps (megabits per second). 
  • The minimum bandwidth required to stream the videos is 1.7mbps. 

Vous pouvez vérifier votre vitesse de connexion sur https://www.speedtest.net/.

Es-tu encore rencontrer problèmes? Veuillez nous contacter au épidémiereadysim@savechildren.orgdonc nous pouvons assister toi.  


Le Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise digital simulation was developed by the READY initiative. We would like to thank the Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health for its leadership, and all READY consortium partners and serious game consultant Rex Brynen for their time, input, and efforts throughout all stages of development. In addition, we would like to thank all the humanitarians from agencies and locations around the world who took the time to play each version and provide critical feedback to strengthen both the design and the content of Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise. Outbreak READY 2 ! : Thisland en crise was created in collaboration with the game development studio &RANJ. The simulation would not be possible without their team’s innovative design and creative contributions.