Essential Health Service Guidance Note: How to prioritize and plan essential health services during COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings

Auteur : Cluster Santé mondiale, READY

In 2020, the Global Health Cluster and partners developed the ‘Essential Health Service Guidance Note: How to prioritize and plan essential health services during COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings’ to help health clusters and partners utilize a systematic approach to prioritizing, maintaining and adapting essential health services should they be unable to continue providing the usual package of services safely. This includes anticipating non-COVID-19 health needs resulting from the crisis, impacts due to the temporary suspension of essential health services or other factors that may increase the risk of excess mortality and morbidity.

Download the Essential Health Service Guidance Note: How to prioritize and plan essential health services during COVID-19 response in humanitarian settings

United States Agency for International Development Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UK Med, EcoHealth Alliance, Mercy Malaysia

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