Guidance Document for a Differentiated Response to COVID-19 Outbreak in Urban and Rural settings

Author: World Health Organization This guidance document provides…
READY Guidance: Maternal and Newborn Health cover image: Trizer, three days old, with her mother Metrine outside their home in Bungoma, Kenya. Image credit: Sarah Waiswa / Save the Children

COVID-19 के दौरान वैकल्पिक देखभाल प्रावधान के लिए मार्गदर्शन

यह अंतर-एजेंसी दस्तावेज़ (READY फीचर्ड वेबिनार में प्रस्तुत)
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia

आरसीसीई टूलकिट

First published in May 2020, READY's COVID-19 Risk Communication…
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia

Wellbeing in Infectious Disease Outbreaks (Save the Children UK)

This collection of short videos (only 3–4 minutes each) is…
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia
Faduma*, 16 receives a vaccination & health check - Burao, Somalia. Image credit: Mustafa Saeed / Save the Children

COVID-19 के दौरान हमें मानवीय परिवेश में कौन सी स्वास्थ्य सेवाएँ प्रदान नहीं करनी चाहिए?

वक्ता: प्रो. कार्ल ब्लैंचेट, जिनेवा सेंटर ऑफ ह्यूमैनिटेरियन…
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia

जल्द ही आ रहा है: चार नए वेबिनार

निम्नलिखित विषय (परिवर्तन के अधीन) की योजना बनाई गई है…
Community health workers raise public awareness in Mogadishu of prevention and management of COVID-19. Image credit: Save the Children Somalia

Global Health Network: Coronavirus Knowledge Hub

The Global Health Network has a "pop-up" knowledge hub at …