Guidance Document for a Differentiated Response to COVID-19 Outbreak in Urban and Rural settings

Author: World Health Organization This guidance document provides…

Guide for clinical case management and infection prevention and control during a measles outbreak

Author: World Health Organization This document outlines practical…

Mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and nutrition of schoolchildren

Author: World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization…
READY Guidance: Maternal and Newborn Health cover image: Trizer, three days old, with her mother Metrine outside their home in Bungoma, Kenya. Image credit: Sarah Waiswa / Save the Children
READY Guidance: Maternal and Newborn Health cover image: Trizer, three days old, with her mother Metrine outside their home in Bungoma, Kenya. Image credit: Sarah Waiswa / Save the Children

Public Health Surveillance for Cholera: Interim Guidance

Author: Global Task Force on Cholera Control This GTFCC guidance…

सामुदायिक तत्परता के लिए 10 कदम

लेखक: जोखिम संचार और सामुदायिक सहभागिता सामूहिक…