COVID-19 के दौरान वैकल्पिक देखभाल प्रावधान के लिए मार्गदर्शन

यह अंतर-एजेंसी दस्तावेज़ (READY फीचर्ड वेबिनार में प्रस्तुत)

Infographics: Infant Feeding During Infectious Disease Outbreaks: A guide for programmers

In 2021, the Infant Feeding in Emergencies (IFE) Core Group published…

Community-based Surveillance of Infectious Diseases: A Systematic Review of Drivers of Success

In 2021, the World Health Organization published a report detailing…

प्रकोप में सुरक्षा संसाधन पैकेज

प्रकोप में सुरक्षा (PiO) संसाधन पैकेज इसका हिस्सा है…

Child Protection in Outbreaks: Mini-Guides

In 2021, READY supported the Alliance for Child Protection in…

Maternal and Newborn Health Services Disruption during COVID-19: Literature Review

In 2021, the READY initiative and the London School of Hygiene…

Child Protection in Infectious Disease Outbreak: Annotated Bibliography  

READY undertook a series of stakeholder consultations to examine…

Initial Food Security Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak: Survey Findings 

As part of an integrated effort to support humanitarian actors…
Nafisa* (25) was the first COVID-19 patient at Save the Children's treatment centre in Cox's Bazar. Image credit: Habiba Ummay / Save the Children