Child Protection in Outbreaks: Prioritizing Child Participation in Infectious Disease Outbreaks
(Mini-Guide 6)
Author: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,…
(Mini-Guide 6)
प्रकोपों में बाल संरक्षण: संक्रामक रोग प्रकोपों में बच्चों को होने वाले नुकसान को रोकना (मिनी-गाइड 5)
This Mini-Guide is aimed at humanitarian personnel working in…
Child Protection Case Referral (Cox’s Bazar)
Author: READY
This tool is designed for the Bangladesh context.…
Confidentiality Guidance Note: Advice For Health Actors On Handling Child Protection Concerns During Infectious Disease Outbreaks (Cox’s Bazar)
Author: READY
This tool is designed for the Bangladesh context.…
Making Your Health Center Child Friendly: Advice For Health Actors During Infectious Disease Outbreaks (Cox’s Bazar)
Author: READY
This tool is designed for the Bangladesh context.…
Child Protection in Outbreaks: Adapting child protection programming in infectious disease outbreaks (Mini-Guide 1)
Author: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,…
Tip sheet: Child-friendly approaches for health actors undertaking vaccination campaigns
Author: READY
This tool suggests practical ways to integrate…
Confidentiality guidance note: Advice for health actors addressing child protection concerns during infectious disease outbreaks
Author: READY
As a health worker, you must collaborate with…
Checklist for child-friendly isolation and treatment centers: Considerations for design, implementation, and budgeting
Author: READY
This checklist is designed to be used during outbreak…
स्वास्थ्य देखभाल सेटिंग्स में संदिग्ध या पुष्टि किए गए फिलोवायरस रक्तस्रावी बुखार वाले रोगियों की देखभाल के लिए अंतरिम संक्रमण की रोकथाम और नियंत्रण मार्गदर्शन, इबोला पर ध्यान केंद्रित करते हुए
Author: World Health Organization
This document provides a…