Tip sheet: Child-friendly approaches for health actors undertaking vaccination campaigns
Author: READY
This tool suggests practical ways to integrate…
Confidentiality guidance note: Advice for health actors addressing child protection concerns during infectious disease outbreaks
Author: READY
As a health worker, you must collaborate with…
Checklist for child-friendly isolation and treatment centers: Considerations for design, implementation, and budgeting
Author: READY
This checklist is designed to be used during outbreak…
Viral Haemorrhagic Fever: Marburg Virus Disease Health Emergency Supply Note
Author: United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund…
At the last mile: Lessons from Vaccine Distributions in DR Congo
Authors: Kakule, B., Lubukayi, N., Muhindo, E., Janoch, E. and…
वैश्विक समीक्षा सारांश: त्वरित प्रतिक्रिया टीमें: यूनिसेफ का एक अनुभव (2019)
Author: United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)
In recent cholera…
Response to Cholera Outbreaks – Area Targeted Interventions and Community Outbreak Response Teams (2020)
Author: United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)
This operational…
हैजा संयुक्त परिचालन ढांचा – वैश्विक WASH और स्वास्थ्य क्लस्टर (2020)
Author: Global WASH Cluster
The aim of the Joint Operational…
राष्ट्रीय हैजा योजना के विकास के लिए देशों को समर्थन देने हेतु अंतरिम मार्गदर्शक दस्तावेज़
0 टिप्पणियाँ
Author: Global Task Force on Cholera Control
The objective…
इबोला और मारबर्ग वायरस रोग महामारी: तैयारी, सतर्कता, नियंत्रण और मूल्यांकन
Author: World Health Organization
This guidance describes…