मुख्य विचार: पूर्वी और दक्षिणी अफ्रीका में रोग प्रकोप के संदर्भ में बाल सहभागिता
Author: Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform
The Most Vulnerable Children Faced Unique Risks During COVID-19: How Agencies Communicated with Communities on Parenting in Low Resource and Humanitarian Settings
Authors: READY, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Johns…
Gender Analysis for Vaccine Response: Toolkit for Risk Communication and Community Engagement Actors
Authors: United States Agency for International Development (USAID),…
हैजा संसाधन मार्गदर्शन
Author: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent…
Finding Community-led Solutions: An interagency guidance note on working with communities in high density settings to plan local approaches to preventing and managing COVID-19
Author: Risk Communication and Community Engagement Technical…
World Health Organization’s Operational Guide for Engaging Communities in Contact Tracing
Author: World Health Organization
Contact tracing is a key…
Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation of the COVID-19 Humanitarian Response
Author: Inter-Agency Standing Committee
The Inter-Agency…
Response to Cholera Outbreaks – Area Targeted Interventions and Community Outbreak Response Teams (2020)
Author: United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)
This operational…
वाश में सामुदायिक सहभागिता का परिचय
Author: Oxfam
This guide aims to provide field staff with…
COVID-19: How to include marginalized and vulnerable people in risk communication and community engagement
Author: Regional RCCE Working Group
Women, the elderly,…