Entries by PREPARAR

One Health Operational Framework for Strengthening Human, Animal and Environmental Public Health Systems at their Interface

This Operational Framework (developed by the World Bank Group in partnership with EcoHealth Alliance) provides a practical reference for building resilience and preparedness in public health systems to address existing and future disease threats from a One Health perspective—taking into account the complex relationships between humans, plants, animals, and the environment. Link: One Health Operational […]

Apoio psicossocial durante um surto de doença do vírus Ebola

Esta publicação da IFRC (caracterizada como uma “nota informativa”) fornece conhecimento de base e sugere atividades de apoio psicossocial que podem ser implementadas no contexto de um surto de Ebola. “As mensagens podem ser úteis para todos os funcionários e voluntários que estão em contato com pacientes, parentes e sentem a tensão de trabalhar e viver durante a epidemia.” […]

Psychological First Aid during Ebola virus disease outbreaks

This publication, produced collaboratively by WHO, CBM, WorldVision and UNICEF, focuses on psychological first aid: humane, supportive and practical help for fellow human beings suffering serious crisis events. The guidance was written specifically for people who help others during Ebola virus disease outbreaks. Link: Psychological First Aid during Ebola virus disease outbreaks