O READY publica atualizações aqui: notícias, anúncios e outras atualizações sobre a iniciativa.
Workshop de março marcado para Nairóbi será virtual
Due to rapidly evolving containment efforts and travel restrictions in response to COVID-19, READY is reconfiguring its East Africa Outbreak Preparedness Planning (OPP) workshop. The workshop will still take place from March 9–11, 2020, but it will be facilitated entirely online.
Knowing that COVID-19 readiness is top-of-mind for many of us, we are also amending the workshop content: It will focus exclusively on NGO readiness for the COVID-19 pandemic, aligned with key pillars within WHO’s COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan, including staff safety and wellness, business continuity, and risk communication and community engagement.
Participants should amend or cancel any travel arrangements they may have already made, and will find revised workshop objectives and a condensed agenda on READY’s community of practice forum.
Rastreador de Casos: Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering
O Centro Johns Hopkins de Ciência e Engenharia de Sistemas (CSSE) criou um rastreador público de casos de COVID-19, reunindo dados da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), Centros de Controle de Doenças (CDC) (EUA), Centro Europeu de Prevenção e Controle de Doenças (ECDC), Comissão Nacional de Saúde da República Popular da China (NHC) e NHC, e DXY.cn (chinês: 丁香园; pinyin: DīngXiāngYuán, uma comunidade online para médicos, profissionais de saúde, farmácias e unidades de saúde). Os dados por trás da visualização estão disponíveis em um Repositório GitHub, disponível ao público para download.
READY accelerates Asia workshops in response to COVID-19
In response to rapid developments surrounding the COVID-19 outbreak, READY has arranged Outbreak Preparedness Planning (OPP) workshops to take place in Vietnam (February 20-21, 2020) and Indonesia (February 26-28). The workshops will use READY’s community forum to facilitate knowledge exchange. If you would like to participate in a future READY workshop, please contact us by email: ready@savechildren.org.