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Quando ocorrem surtos, as necessidades de saúde reprodutiva de mulheres e meninas não param!
12 JULY 2023 | 08:00 EST / 13:00 BST / 15:00 EAT | Global Launch of Operational Guidance for Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, and Newborn Health Services in Infectious Disease Outbreaks
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Sexual, reproductive, maternal, and newborn health (SRMNH) services are lifesaving, essential, and time critical. During infectious disease outbreaks, health systems are disrupted and can collapse as resources are diverted to the response, while the SRMNH needs of the community persist.
READY, together with the Inter-Agency Working Group for Reproductive Health in Crises (IAWG) and the International Rescue Committee, has developed two companion guidance documents to support health actors to maintain critical SRMNH services during infectious disease outbreaks in humanitarian settings and to ensure SRMNH considerations are integrated within outbreak readiness and response.
In the global webinar launch on July 12th, 2023, panelists from International Rescue Committee, UNICEF, and Population Reference Bureau shared their experiences providing SRMNH services during an outbreak and discussed how these guidance documents can be used in the preparedness and response phases to ensure health services for women and girls are maintained.
- Janet Meyers, Senior Humanitarian Advisor for Reproductive Health, Save the Children International: Janet was involved in developing the two guidance documents on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and Maternal Newborn Health during Infectious Disease Outbreaks.
- Maria Tsolka, Senior Humanitarian Reproductive Health Advisor, Save the Children International: Maria is the lead for country level trainings on the two guidance documents on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights during Infectious Disease Outbreaks.
Presenter: Alison Greer, Senior Advisor at the Interagency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises. Alison works at the IAWG secretariat.
- Fatima Gohar, Maternal, Newborn & Adolescent Health Specialist, UNICEF: Fatima has worked with the UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office since 2017, with extensive experience spanning two decades across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Her role involves providing strategic and technical support to 21 countries in the region, assisting them in implementing and expanding high-impact interventions in both development and humanitarian contexts. Fatima is a passionate advocate for providing quality healthcare services to all women and children, regardless of their circumstances. She firmly believes that timely access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right of every mother and newborn.
- Reena Khaiya Atuma, Health System Strengthening Technical Officer, Population Reference Bureau: Reena has a background in health system strengthening and public finance management and with over seven years of experience in public budget and policy analysis, she has developed expertise in various aspects of the field. Her work primarily focuses on conducting analyses of national and subnational health budgets, which involves assessing the allocation and utilization of financial resources in the health sector. In addition to budget analysis, Reena is also proficient in capacity building of non-state actors in public finance management. She is skilled in integrating gender considerations into budgeting processes to ensure that the needs and priorities of both women and men are considered. Reena has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology with Information Technology from Maseno University. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in health economics and policy at the University of Nairobi.
- Dr. Abu Syem Md Shahin, Senior Health Coordinator, International Rescue Committee (IRC): Dr. Shahin provides strategic vision and technical leadership to the health program for the Rohingya response in Cox’s Bazar, as well as in disaster-prone areas of Bangladesh. Prior to joining IRC, Dr. Shahin held a position where he provided technical support to all health projects within Plan International’s Health Program in Bangladesh. His responsibilities encompassed various aspects of health, with a particular focus on Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Primary Healthcare. Additionally, he has served as an adjunct faculty member in several universities, where he has shared his knowledge and experience in the field of Public Health. Dr. Shahin has achieved an MSc in Public Health with distinction, specializing in Global Health and Health Promotion, from the University of East London, UK.
Access the guidance documents below (available in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic):
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights during Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Operational Guidance for Humanitarian and Fragile Settings
- Maternal and Newborn Health during Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Operational Guidance for Humanitarian and Fragile Settings
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Este evento foi organizado pela iniciativa READY, liderada pela Save the Children e financiada pelo Bureau de Assistência Humanitária da USAID.
Comunicação com crianças durante surtos de doenças infecciosas
April 5, 2023 | 15:30-16:30 East Africa / 07:30-08:30 EST / 12:30-13:30 GMT
This was the third webinar in the Proteção Infantil e Integração da Saúde Durante Surtos de Doenças Infecciosas série, Comunicação com crianças durante surtos de doenças infecciosas: Key considerations for child-centered risk communication and community engagement (RCCE).
During this one-hour webinar, regional and global experts discussed key considerations for child-centered RCCE, followed by a discussion on challenges and lessons learned from recent outbreaks.
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Este evento foi organizado pela iniciativa READY, liderada pela Save the Children e financiada pelo Bureau de Assistência Humanitária da USAID.
Integração da proteção infantil no projeto e operação de centros de isolamento e tratamento
February 1, 2023 | 15:30-16:30 East Africa / 07:30-08:30 EST / 12:30-13:30 GMT
This was the second webinar of the Proteção Infantil e Integração da Saúde Durante Surtos de Doenças Infecciosas série, Integração da proteção infantil no projeto e operação de centros de isolamento e tratamento: Key considerations and adaptations to health facilities during major disease outbreaks.
During this one-hour webinar, regional and global experts discussed why child protection considerations are needed in the design, layout, and operation of isolation and treatment centers; described how child protection needs can be integrated; and reflected on lessons learned from recent outbreaks.
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Sarah Collis Kerr, Consultora Técnica Líder, READY, Save the Children: Sarah Collis Kerr é uma profissional de saúde humanitária especializada em resposta a surtos de emergência e coordenação de programas de saúde em cenários de crise. Ela possui um mestrado em Controle de Doenças Infecciosas pela London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine e um bacharelado em Enfermagem. Sarah trabalhou em vários contextos humanitários e surtos em todo o mundo, incluindo Serra Leoa e Ruanda para o Ebola; Norte da Nigéria; Samoa durante o surto de sarampo; Grécia para a crise de migrantes/refugiados; e Cox's Bazar para a resposta à COVID-19 dos Rohingya. Antes de se juntar à iniciativa READY, ela foi a Delegada Regional de Saúde da Cruz Vermelha no Oriente Médio e Norte da África. Sarah é profundamente apaixonada por proteger o direito à saúde para todos, especialmente mulheres e meninas. Ela acredita fortemente na necessidade de capacitar comunidades afetadas e organizações locais, ao mesmo tempo em que fortalece a preparação intersetorial e a capacidade de resposta a surtos.
- Nidhi Kapur, Especialista em Proteção Infantil, Consultora Independente: Nidhi Kapur é uma especialista em proteção, gênero e inclusão com quinze anos de experiência em campo. Motivada por um forte interesse nas complexidades da programação em zonas de conflito e pós-conflito, Nidhi foi enviada a vários países como parte de equipes de resposta a emergências. Ela trabalhou em uma infinidade de questões com e em nome de crianças e suas comunidades, inclusive em relação a surtos de doenças infecciosas. Além de seu trabalho com a READY para melhorar a colaboração entre o setor de saúde e proteção infantil, ela foi contratada pela Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action para ser coautora de miniguias para profissionais de campo que trabalham em uma variedade de cenários de surtos.
- Jean Syanda, Consultora de Proteção Humanitária à Criança, Equipe Técnica Humanitária do Centro Global, Save the Children: Jean é a líder de Proteção à Criança (CP) da READY e supervisiona a unidade de Proteção à Criança do portfólio financiado pelos Estados Unidos (EUA) da Save the Children US para a África Oriental e Meridional, Oriente Médio e Eurásia e alguns países da Ásia. Ela tem 15 anos de experiência em trabalho humanitário com foco em proteção geral, violência de gênero (VBG) e programação de CP, tendo trabalhado em muitas crises humanitárias e zonas afetadas por conflitos. Ela trabalhou com refugiados, pessoas deslocadas internamente (IDPs) e comunidades vulneráveis, com forte ênfase em estabelecer, criar e fortalecer sistemas de acesso aos direitos humanos para populações de interesse. Seu trabalho mais recente incluiu fornecer orientação técnica e suporte e supervisionar projetos de proteção na Nigéria, Sudão do Sul, Iêmen, Etiópia, Nigéria, Iraque, Jordânia e Quênia.
- Dra. Ayesha Kadir, Consultora Sênior de Saúde Humanitária, Save the Children: Ayesha Kadir é pediatra e pesquisadora de saúde pública. Seu trabalho é focado em entender e atender às necessidades de crianças e famílias em situações de privação e crise. Antes de liderar a equipe de saúde humanitária na Save the Children UK, a Dra. Kadir trabalhou em medicina de emergência pediátrica e pediatria social na Europa e em cenários humanitários. Sua pesquisa e advocacia se concentram nos efeitos da migração, conflito armado e outras formas de violência em crianças e famílias, e em encontrar maneiras eficazes de proteger e promover a saúde, o bem-estar e os direitos das crianças e famílias. A Dra. Kadir trabalhou no leste, oeste e sul da África, no Oriente Médio, na Europa ocidental e oriental e nos Estados Unidos com ONGs internacionais, universidades, governos e a Organização Mundial da Saúde.
- Nureyan Zunong, Senior Humanitarian Health Advisor, Save the Children: Nureyan Zunong is a humanitarian health professional specializing in health program planning and implementation in humanitarian settings. Nureyan has over 20 years of public health experience in both emergency and development contexts. She joined Save the Children in 2002 and worked in several key health positions in politically sensitive, culturally diverse, and geographically harsh conditions. She has managed multiple responses to outbreaks, including Cholera, Ebola, Polio, Yellow Fever, and Measles. Nureyan worked to support the health system and emergency response in Ethiopia, South Sudan, the Philippines, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nepal, DRC, Turkey, Northeast Syria, Ukraine, Kenya, and Mozambique. As a senior humanitarian health advisor, she has diverse experience ranging from technical advice to country offices for ongoing responses and health system strengthening to emergency and outbreak preparedness and response. Central in her work is the high focus on safe and quality service provision which includes child safeguarding and child protection in health programming. Nureyan has a Medical Bachelor’s degree from Shanghai Medical University and a Master of Public Health degree from Tulane University.
- Dr. Charls Erik Halder, National Program Officer (Health Coordination), Migration Health Department, International Organization for Migration (IOM): Dr. Charls Erik Halder is a medical doctor and global health specialist who has worked with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the past five years. He has ten years of experience in health response in both the humanitarian and development sectors, with expertise in health coordination, primary health care, epidemic and disaster preparedness and response, information management and surveillance, quality improvement, communicable and non-communicable disease control, and infection prevention and control. He has been supporting the humanitarian health response in Cox’s Bazar for Rohingya refugees for more than seven years. He led the health sector mobile medical team technical working group and co-chaired the Health Sector Emergency Preparedness and Response Technical Committee. During the outbreaks of diphtheria, COVID-19, and dengue, he was actively involved in designing and implementing the outbreak preparedness and response interventions in Cox’s Bazar.
- Dr Hans-Joerg Lang, Pediatrician; Lecturer, Global Child Health, University Witten/Herdecke, Germany; Advisor for Pediatrics and Critical care for The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA): Hans-Jörg Lang conducted his medical studies in Freiburg, Germany, and completed training in pediatric intensive care medicine in the UK. For several years he worked with development and humanitarian organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa and Afghanistan (e.g., MSF, ALIMA, GIZ/CIM, DED). In this context he contributed to training programs and research projects. Hans-Jörg Lang participated in Ebola virus (EBOV) outbreak responses in DRC (2019/2020), Guinea (2021), and the recent Sudan EBOV outbreak in Uganda (2022). In the past few years he has been involved in several activities supported by WHO, such as Ebola training programs, Ebola guideline development group, and medical oxygen access scale up. Hans-Jörg Lang also participates in an initiative of WHO and WFP to design a mobile, rapidly deployable treatment unit for highly infectious diseases (INITIATE2).
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Este evento foi organizado pela iniciativa READY, liderada pela Save the Children e financiada pelo Bureau de Assistência Humanitária da USAID.