Interim Guiding Document to Support Countries for the Development of their National Cholera Plan

Author: Global Task Force on Cholera Control

The objective of this document is to provide practical guidance to countries in developing and monitoring the implementation of their NCPs. This document is aligned to the requirements of the Global Roadmap and the criteria that will be used by the GTFCC Independent Review Panel to review the NCPs. It also provides a set of indicators that can be used by countries to report progress on the implementation of their NCP. This document is intended for professionals working in all relevant sectors of the national government (i.e., health, water, construction, finance, education, etc.), public health institutes and technical partners involved in cholera prevention and control activities.

View the guidance in Inglês here.

United States Agency for International Development Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UK Med, EcoHealth Alliance, Mercy Malaysia

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