IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework Joint External Evaluation Tool

This 2016 publication was a primary output of a 2015 IHR technical consultation meeting. The tool is intended to “assess country capacity to prevent, detect, and rapidly respond to public health threats,” and outlines an external evaluation process “to asses country-specific status and progress in achieving the targets.” It also includes a strong social and behavior change/risk communication component. This tool is not simple; using it requires “a sustainable and flexible process to allow for additional countries and regular evaluation visits” to compare a country’s progress to its baselines, and ensure that stronger capacity can be maintained.

Download: IHR-Joint-External-Evaluation-Tool (101 pages | 3.6MB | .pdf)

United States Agency for International Development Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UK Med, EcoHealth Alliance, Mercy Malaysia

Tovuti hii imewezekana kwa msaada wa Watu wa Marekani kupitia Shirika la Maendeleo ya Kimataifa la Marekani (USAID) chini ya mpango wa TAYARI. READY (sio kifupi) inaungwa mkono na USAID  Ofisi ya Demokrasia, Migogoro, na Usaidizi wa KibinadamuOfisi ya Msaada wa Maafa ya Kigeni ya Marekani (OFDA)  na inaongozwa na Okoa Watoto  kwa kushirikiana na  Kituo cha Johns Hopkins cha Afya ya Kibinadamu,,  Kituo cha Johns Hopkins cha Mipango ya Mawasiliano UK-MedMuungano wa EcoHealth, na Rehema Malaysia. Yaliyomo kwenye tovuti hii ni jukumu pekee la Save the Children. Maelezo yaliyotolewa kwenye tovuti hii si lazima yaakisi maoni ya USAID, washirika wowote au wote wa muungano, au Serikali ya Marekani, na si taarifa rasmi ya Serikali ya Marekani.