Announcements and resource releases from the READY initiative. To receive READY updates by email, click here to subscribe.

COVID-19: The Impact on Girls

Author: Plan International This report focuses on raising…

A Toolkit for Integrating Menstrual Hygiene Management into Humanitarian Response

Author: International Rescue Committee, Columbia University The…

Kuwasiliana na Watoto Wakati wa Mlipuko wa Magonjwa ya Kuambukiza

Aprili 5, 2023 | 15:30-16:30 Afrika Mashariki / 07:30-08:30 EST / 12:30-13:30…

Kuunganisha Ulinzi wa Mtoto katika Usanifu na Uendeshaji wa Vituo vya Kutengwa na Matibabu

Tarehe 1 Februari 2023 | 15:30-16:30 Afrika Mashariki / 07:30-08:30 EST...
A healthcare worker at a Save the Children-supported health facility during the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. September 18, 2019. Hugh Kinsella Cunningham / Save the Children

Uratibu wa Mlipuko: Fursa na Vizuizi vya Ushirikiano Mkubwa zaidi wa NGO

Januari 26, 2023 | 08:00-09:00 Washington, DC / 13:00-14:00 London Moderator:…