Announcements and resource releases from the READY initiative. To receive READY updates by email, click here to subscribe.

Child Protection in Infectious Disease Outbreak: Annotated Bibliography  

READY undertook a series of stakeholder consultations to examine…

Initial Food Security Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak: Survey Findings 

As part of an integrated effort to support humanitarian actors…
Nafisa* (25) was the first COVID-19 patient at Save the Children's treatment centre in Cox's Bazar. Image credit: Habiba Ummay / Save the Children
Save the Children health workers in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, are still providing vital services during the COVID-19 outbreak. Image credit: Catherine McGowan / Save the Children

Ripoti ya Uratibu wa COVID-19: Matokeo ya Ushauri na Uchunguzi 

Kuanzia Agosti hadi Desemba 2020, READY ilifanya mashauriano…