
IYCF Remote Counseling is an eLearning course for Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) counselors designed to equip learners with the knowledge and skills to remotely counsel clients to understand, adopt, and sustain optimal IYCF behaviors and practices during infectious disease outbreaks and in remote settings.

Kufikia mwisho wa kozi hii ya eLearning, washiriki wataweza:

  • Prepare for a remote counseling session
  • Assess the feeding situation when not in person
  • Analyze whether there are any feeding challenges when not in person
  • Act to address feeding challenges remotely

This self-directed, online eLearning course should take approximately one hour to complete, is accessible on desktop or mobile, and requires an internet connection.

Jinsi ya kupata kozi hii

Kozi hii inapatikana bila malipo, na inaweza kufikiwa nayo Kaya, jukwaa la kimataifa la kujifunza la Chuo cha Uongozi wa Kibinadamu. Huenda ukahitaji kuunda akaunti kabla ya kuanza kozi.

Jifunze zaidi

Kwa maelezo zaidi kuhusu kozi hii ya eLearning, tazama/ pakua kipeperushi cha kozi (376 KB .pdf).