Technical Note: Adaptation of Child Protection Case Management to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Author: The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action

Child Protection Case Management (CP CM) is part of the essential services that cannot be stopped suddenly, but which requires adaptation to every new emergency. This technical note builds on existing response action from several countries and case management task force agencies. It provides considerations for adapting CP CM interventions to the COVID-19 pandemic and to better understand the important role of case management in the emergency. The table below makes suggestions for contingency plans and adapted actions for each of the eight dimensions of case management.4 It describes priority actions to consider in order to continue supporting the most vulnerable cases and to respond to new cases generated during the outbreak. Even if current access is not significantly impacted in your context, it is important that case management agencies plan in advance for the potential of extremely limited access to children and families as a result of COVID-19.

View the technical note in Kiingereza, Kihispania, Kifaransa, na Kiarabu here.

United States Agency for International Development Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health, Save the Children, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, UK Med, EcoHealth Alliance, Mercy Malaysia

Tovuti hii imewezekana kwa msaada wa Watu wa Marekani kupitia Shirika la Maendeleo ya Kimataifa la Marekani (USAID) chini ya mpango wa TAYARI. READY (sio kifupi) inaungwa mkono na USAID  Ofisi ya Demokrasia, Migogoro, na Usaidizi wa KibinadamuOfisi ya Msaada wa Maafa ya Kigeni ya Marekani (OFDA)  na inaongozwa na Okoa Watoto  kwa kushirikiana na  Kituo cha Johns Hopkins cha Afya ya Kibinadamu,,  Kituo cha Johns Hopkins cha Mipango ya Mawasiliano UK-MedMuungano wa EcoHealth, na Rehema Malaysia. Yaliyomo kwenye tovuti hii ni jukumu pekee la Save the Children. Maelezo yaliyotolewa kwenye tovuti hii si lazima yaakisi maoni ya USAID, washirika wowote au wote wa muungano, au Serikali ya Marekani, na si taarifa rasmi ya Serikali ya Marekani.