ክፍል 5፡ በኮቪድ-19 ወቅት የግብረመልስ ዘዴዎችን መጠቀም

IFRC’s Community Engagement and Accountabilities Senior Advisor, Sharon Reader, describes the fundamentals of community feedback mechanisms for COVID-19. Processes and tools for collecting and analyzing community feedback, including rumors and misinformation during COVID-19, are explored.

2. የተማራችሁትን ይገምግሙ (መልሶችዎ አይመዘገቡም)፡-



በደንብ ተከናውኗል!

እንደገና ይሞክሩ?

#1. What is not one of the five types of community feedback?

#2. It is important to ignore rumors when collecting community feedback, as they may distract from your messages or programs. True or false?
